This week has been, in a nutshell, rough. It was the first full week back at school for the older girls. We started our basketball season last week, I worked this past weekend, dance on Tuesday, I worked and had church Wednesday, Lauren had practice last night and Claire has practice tonight. On top of this, we had a snotty and coughing little one. I started trying to be good again with eating. I joined the community gym yesterday. I had my first choir practice as director (that one will have to have a post all its own.) And because we love to do things last minute, we worked on a reading project for Lauren that was due today.
Needless to say, we are all very tired and cranky, except for maybe Brooke. Lauren and Claire have had meltdowns just about every night. I'm cranky from working the weekend and not being able to catch up on sleep. My house is a wreck as I haven't had time to clean or do laundry and there are about 100 loads to do. Mark is recovering from whatever funk we all have shared and is exhausted. We don't have any downtime this weekend either because Upw@rds games start tomorrow bright and early!! And Sunday, Claire is yoga-ing it with her Aunt Allie in Durham and we have to get up early to get her there and we have church. I plan on the ENTIRE family taking a nappy poo on Sunday afternoon.
I'm hoping that next week, we'll be back in the groove and can get our act together and we won't have a reading project to work on either.:)
Weight news, I lost 2 pounds this week so that puts me now to 36.9 pounds total. I think I'm starting to get to the point where exercise is going to be key for me. I just need to get fully back into the program and not just every other day as this week has been. I want to reach my goal by July 20, 2013 by golly I'm going to!!
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