Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Preschool and poop....

My most favorite time of year is right around the corner and I am most excited!!! I LOVE FALL!! I can tell the seasons are getting ready to change. The sky to me seems more blue and you can just feel it in the air! I love fall!! Plus, my birthday is in October so that is another reason;).

Today we went to meet with Claire's preschool teachers. This is her last year of preschool. Wow, that doesn't seem real. Anyways, I think she is going to have a great year. Two of her best friends will be back and she has another good buddy that is joining the crowd this year!! I think I'm more excited about that than Claire! Brooke just sat in her daddy's lap, taking it all in. In a couple of years, Brooke will be heading off to preschool....I'm not even going to go there.

Speaking of Brooke, let me just tell you about this baby. She is doing great, sleeping completely through the night, starting to get into a routine. But, she doesn't poop. Hardly ever. This past time she went 10 days without pooping. I have talked with our pediatrician about this and he doesn't seem too concerned. She is solely a breast milk baby so I know that she is completely digests all of that. She had been going once a week on Saturdays, and then it moved to Tuesdays and now who knows. I finally called the nurse and she gave us some pointers to try,which included giving diluted apple juice, to try and get things moving. Brooke didn't seem to care for that too much but it did the trick;). But you know, to not have pooped for 10 days, she has been the most content and happy baby ever!! I love her, stopped up and all!!!

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