Tuesday, May 3, 2011

36 Weeks!

We are now officially 9 months pregnant. I am SO READY for this little one to be born. Between the "I can't tell where my legs stop and my ankles begin, to I can't sleep in my bed at all because it hurts too much," I am physically ready. Don't ask if we are ready as far as my house is concerned. We have all of the essentials but they certainly aren't where they should be. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want her to come early but I would LOVE for her to come on time. Lauren was 5 days overdue and Claire was 8 days overdue AND I had to be induced both times. I'm really hoping and praying that Baby Brooke will make her debut on her own, however, it's highly unlikely. I go to the doctor tomorrow and see my regular Ob/gyn. I just hope he doesn't fuss at my weight gain (way more than the 10-15lbs. I was only supposed to gain). And, I'm hoping to have some change going on. Maybe the 3rd time will be the charm:)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait o hear all about your doctor's visit. Praying for you!!
