Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just what I wanted to hear.....NOT REALLY!!!!!!

(Be prepared, this is a long one)

Well, for the few of you that read this blog, you all know that we have planned to have Baby Brooke by c-section on May 23. This was set by one of the doctor's in my practice a week ago because Brooke is breech. Yesterday, I had my weekly appointment. She had me set it up with my primary doctor because in that practice they like for the primary's to do any type of surgery on their patient's if possible. I knew I was going to be in trouble and Mark definitely knew I was going to be in trouble.....

I asked Mark to go with me for some support. As soon as we arrived at the office, they called us back. The one good thing I can say about this appointment is that I haven't gained any more weight and my blood pressure is still good. We go into the room and I get situated on the table and Dr. K comes in. Already by the look on his face, I can tell he is not going to give me news that I want to hear. Now, let me tell you about Dr. K. He is an awesome doctor. When we had our first miscarriage 7 years ago, he was the doc that took care of us. He was very understanding and compassionate and I so appreciated that at the time. He is from the old school, wants nature to take it course, no medical intervention unless absolutely necessary, blah, blah, blah, you get the picture. So as I'm sitting on the table, he starts looking through my chart and Mark starts to smirk. And as Dr. K begins to speak, he says, "Well, here's the thing......"

He doesn't want to do the c-section. Period..... He doesn't feel that it is necessary and that Brooke will turn on her on. Immediately, Mark starts laughing and I feel like I could cry a stinking river!!!!! He starts his spill but then stops and decides to palpate my uterus and do a check before he gives me the rest of his opinion. Guess what folks? She is still breech!!!!!!!!!!!!
Checked my cervix, tight as a tick and still thick, nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is going on downstairs and I'm stinking 38 and half weeks pregnant with my third pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!! She is not going to come out on her own. News flash!!!!

So, he begins his talk again. He believes (and I know he knows more than I, he is the doctor) that #1 he can turn her successfully, and #2 that with time, she'll turn on her own and then we can have a natural birth. I immediately said no to the version. He said I should have no problem since this is my third baby, but you know what, I don't like pain unless I absolutely have to feel it and I'm sure as heck not going to let some doctor put me in pain for something that only has a 60% chance of working. And about her turning, this child has been breech for the most part of the pregnancy. I just didn't know that that hard bump I have been feeling was her head and not her butt:) She hasn't turned in about 3 weeks and quite honestly I don't think she is going to. So then he proceeds to say that he wants us to wait, have another ultrasound in a week and check her position and if she is still head up, have the section on Friday May 27. WHY WAIT 4 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What difference will that do!!!!!!!!!!!? (Can you tell I'm a little frustrated...) But, (there's always a but) if she has turned head down, then he says we can induce the following week AFTER HER DUE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because, it's Memorial Day weekend, you know!! Oh and I had let him know about he girls' dance recital that weekend? Yeah, he says he doesn't do surgeries for social reasons and I told him I understood that but yet he won't induce until after Memorial Day weekend......ugh!!! He informed of all that risks and all that and if I had any more babies what that would get the picture.

Now mind you, the whole time, Mark is laughing and carrying on, I'm trying not to cry so I'm laughing some too, and Dr. K is a little as well. I told him how unbelievably miserable I am and all that and finally he told me it was up to me and just gave me his medical recommendations. He had a great way of making someone feel extremely guilty. And, then he tells us that the doctor last week estimated Brooke to weigh on 5 lbs. 11ozs. I laughed and said that is CRAP (sorry for the vulgarity). She couldn't get a good measurement on Brooke's legs cause they were tucked under and she even said that. There is absolutely no way that Brooke weighs that. I'm as big now as I was when I delivered Claire at 8 days late. I reminded Dr. K too that both of the girls were late and I had to be induced with them. At this point, I think he realized that I wasn't going to change my mind and decided to finish up the appointment before he dug himself any deeper. For those of you who know Mark, he was just eating this up. I love my husband:)

Mark and I left, went shopping and we talked. We weighed the pros and cons. I called family and friends, got opinions and we have ultimately decided to keep the surgery date and proceed with the section. Mark also pointed out that what if she really is that little and something is wrong and that makes me feel like we should definitely proceed. Now, Dr. K. will do an ultrasound before he performs the surgery and if she has turned head down, if the dr. on call will take me on, we will proceed with an induction but only if they are willing to take me as their patient. It's one of the female docs in the practice, I hope they will sympathize:)

I would rather have Brooke the all natural way as God intended but I feel in my heart that she isn't going to turn and I don't want to play the waiting game, been there done that with my other two. We have the date set, Lauren and Claire are taken care of, and we are prepared for this. I'm just scared that if we wait and she doesn't turn, 2 weeks after my due date she is still breech and we wind up having a section anyways.

So, we are still on for May 23. I have got to get my house cleaned, clothes washed, hospital bag packed, girls' packed for an extended stay at Nana's, Lauren and Claire's school schedules taken care of and get mentally prepared for the arrival of Brooke in 4 days. It will all go according to God's plan and I feel at peace with this decision. Just say a little prayer for us that all will go well:)

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