Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reflecting and looking ahead....

Now that I have had a chance to calm down and reflect, I'm okay with what happened yesterday. I was so unhappy that we didn't get to have Brooke yesterday. I was so ready to meet this precious baby as was the rest of my family and friends. However, it wasn't in God's plan or in my little wiggle worm's plan. Brooke definitely has a mind of her own:).

Mark and I had a day of rest yesterday after we came home from the hospital. My mother in law had the girls so we didn't have to worry about them until late yesterday evening. I spent the day on the couch dozing and watching TV, reflecting on the situation.

I know it is for the best and I appreciate my doctor for doing what is best. I think he realized that it wasn't that I wanted to have surgery, it's that I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore and ready to meet my baby girl. He told me before he left that we would have something worked out this week. I left knowing we could possibly have her this week but more than likely the next week.

I got a call on my cell a little before 5pm yesterday and it was my doc. He has set up an induction for Friday morning. Mark and I will be yet again heading to the hospital this week. Unless I go into labor on my own, Brooke will be born on May 27th which is the day my doc wanted us to wait for anyways. I have had some change, I was 1 cm dilated yesterday and he stripped my membranes. We go back to the dr on Wednesday so maybe there will be a little more change so that by Friday, we will have a somewhat quick labor and hopefully, please Dear Lord, a not so long delivery:).

With my other two children, I went past my due date and had to be induced both times. I don't dilate on my own and I don't go into labor on my own. I know how to grow babies and do it just fine, but they love to stay cozy inside Mommy. They aren't easy to push out either. Pushing for 3 hours is hard and the effects of that is worse than actual delivery itself and I'll be quite honest, I was looking forward to not having to worry about that since I would be having a section. I'm truly praying this time that labor will be smooth and that because she won't be overdue that maybe I won't be pushing for so long. I know that Brooke will be big but I'm used to that.

So, my little wiggle worm, that has a mind of her own, who is already stubborn in the womb and who is definitely going to give me a run for my money, will be here sometime on Friday. The thing that makes me sad though is that I'll be missing my big girl's dance recital. I've ordered the DVD so eventually I will get to see it. I've explained it to them both and they are okay. They understand that I'll be in the hospital with Brooke. I know that both of them will do a great job and look absolutely beautiful!!

Pretty soon, this family of four is going to be a family of five and I can't wait for the magic to begin!!

1 comment:

  1. The end (of this pregnancy) is near!!!!
    I often think back to how BADLY I wanted to go into labor at home and labor as much as possible before going to the hospital with Maggie. If I had done that, she would have died and it's just that simple. God always has a plan that's bigger than us.
