Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well, that's different......

I had my regular weekly ob appointment today and received some exciting but different news. I went in with hopes high, hoping to be dilated a little more, effaced some but I got something totally different.

Brooke is a very active baby inside the womb. She squirms and kicks and moves very frequently. I love feeling her. She is much more active than her sisters ever were. Yesterday, as I was walking into work, I felt her kicking really, really low and knew she had changed positions yet again. Her body has flip-flopped from the left to right but she prefers to be on the left side. Yesterday, she was just everywhere.

So today, the Dr. measures my tummy and tells me it looks good. She tries to find Brooke's heart beat on the right side but without any luck. She moves the doppler to the left side and finds it but it more towards the middle of my tummy. So then she does the dreaded internal exam and proceeds to tell me that the baby is high and she is going to do a quick ultrasound to check for the presentation. So she wands down and says,"Well, that's why I couldn't feel the head, it's not there, that's a butt." Brooke is breech.

She is breech. Her head is up on the right hand side of my body, her little body goes down the left hand side and her legs and bum are down low, her legs curled up. The doctor proceeds then to do a full ultrasound, measuring amniotic fluid and the baby. I was kind of in shock. Lauren and Claire were always head down and this was something we didn't have to worry about.

So once she completed the ultrasound, she starts talking me about turning the baby. I already knew that wouldn't be an option for me. I have heard that is a very painful procedure and when it comes to pain, I'm wimp. Plus, she told me that my amniotic fluid is low and that my placenta is lying on the frontal lobe of my uterus, so if the docs were to try and move Brooke into a head down position, the placenta could detach or tear and it just isn't worth it. And, there is only a 60-80% chance it would be successful and that just isn't enough for me. So, with all that being said.....

Brooke is scheduled to be born on May 23, 2011 via c-section. I will have to say I'm kind of excited that we have a date set. However, things could change if she decides to move head down and I don't know what will happen then. I don't know if they will go ahead with the c-section or induce me or what. We'll have to see. That is a mere week and a half away!! I've been praying that the Lord will let this baby come before her due date and I think He has answered my prayers!!! Now, don't get me wrong, I would rather have her naturally but all I care about it that she is born healthy and I don't care how that happens. Just as long as she comes healthy!! So, we are going to be getting prepared for the upcoming arrival of our new baby girl very, very soon!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!
    Well, you know that I've had a crash c-section and a VBAC and the c-section recovery went MUCH better for me...although I loved the VBAC. My midwives & nurses were amazed at how great I was doing after the c-section since I was under general anesthesia and hadn't had an epidural or anything. They told me that c-section under general anesthesia usually were a little more difficult. So, at least yours is planned!
    There are so many things that are worse than having a c-section though I could only think of one (losing the baby during delivery) at the time of both of my births. IF we had another baby I could do a coin toss to determine how it's born because I'm that neutral.
