Thursday, May 5, 2011

One of those days.....

Have you ever had one of those days or for me, one of those weeks where you just aren't motivated to anything at all? I seem to have those quite often here recently and I can only attribute it to being very pregnant and tired. As of today, I am 36 weeks, 4 days preggers and I have absolutely no energy at all. If I even just sit down to watch the tv for a second, I could fall asleep! I don't remember being like this with my other two pregnancies.

I have so much to do before Brooke comes. Here we are in May already and I have yet to clean out my girls' closets, switching them from winter clothes to spring/summer clothes. I am getting clothes out of storage bins and trash bags and them just piling them willy nilly about the house. I have yet to finish getting things ready for Brooke. Although, she will have clean clothes to wear:) One day I got the urge to wash all of the hand me down baby clothes so I'm definitely prepared for that.

I truly think I'm just very overwhelmed right now. My awesome sister in law is getting married in 9 days, I'm the matron of honor and Lauren and Claire are the flower girls. I think subconsciously that if I do too much I might put myself in labor and then I'll miss the wedding and this is my one and only chance to be a matron of honor!!!! My due date is May 29 and the girls' dance recital is May 28th and I'm so afraid I'm going to miss that, too.

I will get all of the things finished that I need to. Another thing that adds to the mix this week is I just worked night shift this past weekend and it's taking me twice as long to recover from that. Trying to go from days to nights is not an easy feat even when you aren't pregnant and this time around it's very hard. When I was pregnant with Claire, I had this same work schedule but Lauren wasn't in elementary school at that time and I could sleep the day away on Mondays. Can't do that now! I just have to keep reminding myself that I only have one more night shift to work and I'll be done with that for 3 months!! Well, I should say I'll have a modified night shift because of feedings and diaper changes and Brooke having her days and nights mixed up. However, I'll be home for that and not working at a hospital!

I'm sure those that read this will be thinking I'm just whining about stuff but honestly I'm not. I'm scared about this new baby, how am I going to handle 3 kids and all of the other everyday things I have to do as a stay at home mom? I can't even get a grip on the things I have to do now with just 2? I will get it all done, eventually. Just have to keep the faith and do a little at a time. The Good Lord never puts any more on a person than they can handle and I know with His guidance, I'll be just fine. There is going to be A LOT of PRAYING going on in this house, I'm sure!!! Thanks for letting me vent. This is a stress reliever and now I feel like I can get a few things accomplished!!


  1. Just do a little here and there...if that's possible. I remember at the beginning of this pregnancy, I was so tired that I felt like my arms weighed 1000 lbs and just couldn't stay awake for anything! I am definitely further behind this pregnancy than the first yet I am staying busy all the time! I'm sure once Brooke comes, you'll have plenty of help from those around you and she'll have everything she needs whether it is in its correct place or not.

  2. I finally have gotten the older girls' closets cleaned out and switched from winter to summer clothes. I'm going to focus next week on getting Brooke's things in order. I'm feeling much better about things now!
